Thursday April 14 at 2 p.m.: videoconference on organoid imaging

Pipeline Organoids from A to Z: fabrication, transparency, image acquisition and analysis.

The RIC Paris-Saclay offers a pipeline on the imaging of organoid models to better understand the entire process of their manufacture, their modes of transparency, the analysis of 3D images associated with this type of thick sample, and finally , the importance of studying these models in humans to develop new therapeutic tools.
Dated : April 14, 2022
Time : from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m.
Registration free but mandatory :

pipeline organoïdesProgramme :
1- Organoid manufacturing techniques: “Cellular self-organization in 3D systems by optical imaging”, Gaëlle Recher (BiOfLab, LP2N, Institut d’Optique d’Aquitaine, Talence).
2-Transparency: ” Tissue clearing : Adapted protocols for small samples “, Chloé Dominici (IRCAN, Nice).
3- 3D image analysis : ” Image analysis and 3D reconstruction”,  Jean-François Gilles(Plateforme d’Imagerie de l’IBPS, Sorbonne Université, Paris).
4- Applications in Translational Research (Human liver organoids)  : “Translational medicine: from microscopy to the bedside”,  Antonietta Messina – (Université Paris-Saclay, FHU Hepatinov, Villejuif).